Monday, February 1, 2016

So! Now that you know a little bit of the basics of a hurricane, here are some REALLY interesting facts.

  1. You thought that a hurricane in Southern CA was impossible? No. There was a hurricane in Southern CA in 1858 that killed 45 people.
  2. Hurricane provide enough enough energy in one day too power the lights of Las Vegas for many years!
  3. The word Hurricane originates from 'hurican', the name of an evil god.
  4.  Jupiter's 'Great Red Spot' is actually a hurricane greater than earth itself that has been around for more than 300 years.
  5. The largest hurricanes can be the size of Montana, the 4th largest state in the US, 600 miles wide.
  6. In a hurricane,the center or the eye, of the hurricane is the only calm spot in the hurricane, but outside of that eye, the winds are the strongest and can literally sweep you off your feet.
  7. Hurricanes never form at the equator because they need the Coriolis Force, which is very weak at the equator, to spin.
  8.  In Australia, hurricanes are called “willy-willies"
  9. 40% of all hurricanes that make landfall in the US lands in Florida.
  10. Tropical storms are classified as hurricanes when the winds reach 74 MPH
Some vocabulary associated with hurricane:
  • cyclone
  • catastrophic
  • extensive
  • air pressure
  • endanger
  • meteorologist

Websites and Books.,,,
, World book, Tornadoes and hurricanes

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